Sign in request
What are sign in requests?
A sign in request is the way a dApp can identify a user. Let's explain it with the following example:
When a user wants to log in or register in your dApp, the dApp has to know how to identify a user to know which operations to perform. To do so, it uses the CKBull Signer API with the dApp credentials to generate a new and unique sign in request that needs to be signed by the user who requested it.
Here's a workflow on how a sign in request is generated and signed by a user and how it affects all the entities in the system:
Sign in request life cycle
In the lifetime of a sign in request, it may contain multiple states depending on the actions performed by a user. The next flow shows the complete life cycle of a sign in request and its states.
How does the request identifies the user?
To identify who signed the transaction via CKBull Wallet, a payload containing the address and network of the signer is passed when the user signs the request. For a detailed explanation, read the API docs. A sign in request has the following appearance in CKBull Wallet, showing the dApp's name, description and logo.
Having explained sign in requests, we can now introduce the second key concept of the platform, transaction requests.
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